System permission application and usage description

Android system permission application and usage

Name Description Scene or Purpose Consequences of Rejection
CAMERA CAMERA Use to take photos and videos, complete scanning QR code It is used to help you upload the cover of the plant, upload the photos of the plant, upload the photos of the work order processing report, upload/replace the avatar, upload/replace the business logo, and scan the QR code of the datalogger. It may cause the failure to upload the cover of the plant, the failure to upload the photo of the plant, the inability to upload the photo in the work order processing report, the inability to set/replace the avatar, the inability to set/replace the business logo, and the inability to scan the QR code of the datalogger.
RECORD RECORD_AUDIO Finish scanning the QR code Scan the QR code of the datalogger Unable to scan the QR code of the datalogger
LOCATION ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Acquire precise geographic location information through Global Positioning System (GPS) or network location information such as base stations and WLAN Use the device terminal location for functions such as creating a plant, navigating to the plant location, Bluetooth scanning, etc. Requires you to actively enter relevant geographic location information; it may cause you to be unable to use navigation and Bluetooth functions
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION Obtain approximate geographic location information from network location information (such as base stations and WLAN)
PHONE READ_PHONE_STATE Provide information such as reading mobile phone device identification, please rest assured that this permission cannot monitor or obtain any of your call content and information Read the call status and identification code of the device, identify the mobile phone device ID, and use it for account login, security and other main functions May result in the inability to realize the basic business functions of the product
CALL_PHONE Allow apps to make calls directly Allows direct calls to plant affiliates within the app May result in inability to make calls to plant affiliates within the app
STORAGE READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Provides the function of reading data in the phone storage space Allows the App to read the pictures and other content in the storage, mainly used to help you upload the photos in the storage, record the crash log information locally (if any) and other functions It may result in the inability to obtain the required local images and other content when uploading photos
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Provides write to external storage function Allow App to write/download/save/modify/delete pictures, crash logs and other information It may result in the inability to download/save content such as pictures to the local
BLUETOOTH BLUETOOTH Allow apps to connect to Bluetooth devices Connecting the bluetooth collector in the WiFi configuration and local mode functions May result in failure to connect to the bluetooth datalogger
BLUETOOTH_ADMIN Allows apps to discover and connect to Bluetooth devices Connecting the bluetooth collector in the WiFi configuration and local mode functions May result in failure to connect to the bluetooth datalogger

iOS system permission application and usage

Name in Plist Description Scene or Purpose Consequences of Rejection
NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription Add content to album Allow App to write/download/save/modify/delete pictures and other information It may result in the inability to download/save content such as pictures to the local
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription Read the contents of the album Allows the App to read pictures and other content in the storage, mainly used to help you upload photos It may result in the inability to obtain the required local images and other content when uploading photos
NSCameraUsageDescription Use the camera It is used to help you upload the cover of the plant, upload the photos of the plant, upload the photos of the work order processing report, upload/replace the avatar, upload/replace the business logo, and scan the QR code of the datalogger. It may cause the failure to upload the cover of the plant, the failure to upload the photo of the plant, the inability to set/replace the avatar, the inability to set/replace the merchant logo, the inability to upload the QR code of the datalogger
NSMicrophoneUsageDescription Use the microphone Scan the QR code of the datalogger Unable to scan the QR code of the datalogger
NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription Get geolocation only when the app is being used Use the device terminal location for functions such as creating a plant, navigating to the plant location, WiFi configuration, etc. Requires you to actively enter relevant geographic location information; it may cause you to be unable to use navigation and Bluetooth functions
NSUserTrackingUsageDescription Get device ID to identify device information It is only used to identify the device and to ensure the security of the service and improve the browsing experience. Rest assured that we cannot access your privacy within other apps. Information provided may be less relevant
NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription Allows apps to discover and connect to Bluetooth devices Connecting the bluetooth collector in the WiFi configuration and local mode functions May result in failure to connect to the bluetooth datalogger